
/Art Event

Wunsch Lichter

In the dark we must become the light
An enchanting walk along thousand wishes
The Story

In Japanese mythology, the crane is considered a special creature of good fortune that can live to be 1,000 years old. According to old legend, the person who folds 1000 origami cranes will have a wish granted…

As a result of the immediate consequences of the nuclear weapons attack in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945, the 11-year-old girl Sadako Sasaki developed leukemia. According to an old legend, Sadako began folding 1,000 cranes with the wish of becoming healthy again.

Since her death, the origami crane has been considered a symbol of peace and her story still touches today.

Become a part of this story

People – young and old – from across the region were warmly invited to take part in this participatory installation and fold an origami crane. Each crane represented a wish and together we wanted to create 1000 cranes for each of the participating cities and events.

These origami cranes were embedded in a poetic public art installation with light and sound. At the end of the event, anyone who wanted to could take home a crane as a memory.

The interest was immense and the last event counted 2000 cranes.
In total over 7000 papers were folded for the 4 „Wunschlichter“ events in 4 different cities.

The Experience

With a specially composed soundscape, it was possible for us to create a calm and deep going vibe in the area of the installation. So you could even dive more into this special experience and let it sink in. People felt connected and a part of the whole, also knowing they contributed a part to this installation and experience themselves.

What is your wish?

If you’re interested you can still find here
our special folding instructions for the origami crane: