What we do
Art that connects.
We create aesthetic & individual art experiences.
With events, large-scale installations, socio-artistic and participatory projects.
Our art connects and builds bridges, between people, cultures, environments and the different subjects we work with and use as a creative base.
Local people or a specific group of people are often included in our artworks, which makes them very personal. Some of them also have a participatory part, where people can literally create art together with us.
How we do it
Our team consists of Linda Wendel – Creative Director and Visual Artist
and Bart Dewijze – Culture Agogue and Creative Mind.
Through our experiences, we provide high quality services
and the know-how of how to spark creative ideas into life.
Why we do it
We want to connect and inspire people with art and the opportunities
and experiences it creates. Visitors of a cultural heritage site, a corporate event or some street kids in a community project.
We tend to sparkle amazement, curiosity and contemplation to all of you
and leave behind an aesthetic footprint.
Still curious and want to know more about us?
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Find here: Press articles , our Curriculum Vitae
and some Behind the Scenes in our Instagram Story Highlights.
Award Winner 2023:
Borders? We have never seen one. But we have heard they exist in the minds of some people.
Freely quoted from Thor Heyerdahl